Saturday, October 23, 2010

A song that took me 20 min. Lemme hear thoughts and criticism


Btw im a strong believer in the fact that equipment and programs aren't shit. Its how you use something and the outcome. Thats all. Yeah i'd love an mpc to fuck around with but i dont have one. And im okay with that for right now. Broke musicianship is fun! EDIT: Damn blogger has loooowhoho quality vids. i'll just post from youtube next time i suppose


  1. You did that? Wow, cool, I wanna make songs to. It's kinda psychedelic :P

  2. pretty good man not gonna lie! better then i can do

  3. Sounds monotonous, uberminimalistic, and rhytmically unstable. Syncopating the beat by crossing 3 different time signatures is not cool. Lacks purpose and direction. Needs more work. The 20 minutes shows... Also relabel - songs have words. I hear no lyrics...

  4. I rather liked it. Had a kinda discoish feel to it.

    /but I don't know lick about music composition

  5. it was good no criticism from me :)

  6. Sounds good, keep it up

  7. i don't have time to check now, because i'm packing for a trip, but i'll let you know when i do ^^
    anyway, sounds ambitious :)
